Understanding & managing your emotions… the road towards positive emotional intelligence

Although there is a structure to Emotionalskills, each client has their own customised version of the course, as we firmly believe that each client is unique.

How does it work?

You’re not on your own

Emotionalskills is designed to help you lose your psychological tension and gain self reliance and positivity. Client independence is appropriate and desirable, but we offer you a connecting thread to Emotionalskills if required.

The 10 elements of Emotionalskills…

Break the ice

We start by discussing your present issues. Relaxed and comfortable, working in confidence with a real person you can trust, who understands and doesn't judge you.

We uncover your thoughts and feelings about how you would like to change

We use empathic interviewing and listening to discover your core feelings and thoughts about your unique psychological issues. Together we understand how your issues are spoiling your quality of life. We start to develop your individual way forward.

Demystify how the mind works

We go through a very straightforward and simple understanding of how people's minds operate. This is called 'emotional knowledge' and you can use this knowledge to understand why you suffer. We relate this knowledge to your thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns and how you'll move forward.

Discover who you really are deep down, and what made you are like you are

We fully uncover, deconstruct and understand your story, with a timeline exploration. We discuss significant people and major events - leading towards greater self-knowledge. As you become more aware of who you truly are you will find that there is another way. A better way.

Create a positive and constructive self-help framework

We recognise the specific triggers of your unique emotional issue. You will become able to identify these before they occur. We introduce skills to gradually remove the historical underpinning of your problems - those deeply ingrained psychological habits. With help you will design a bespoke and simple method of easing and change.

Focus on the bodily senses and what you instinctively feel

We focus on what you feel, rather than just on what you think, using your instinctive bodily senses. This focusing method helps cut out any pretence so you sit more easily with who you really truely are. As you become closer to your natural self all those false and rigid beliefs you used to struggle with begin to fade away.

Mindfulness, reflection, relaxation and living in the present

We ease psychological pressure about future worries and anguish over past regrets by learning to relax and enjoy the moment. You can be more at ease with people, tasks and situations. This aids relaxation, energises, lifts mood and reduces stress. Some really clear headspace allows you to find your balance, your own way of being the 'true you'.

Finally, you make your own independent way forward.

You will refine your bespoke strategy so you can maintain your new emotionally balanced life... independently forever.

Positive Emotional Intelligence

Positive Emotional Intelligence will equip you with a framework that will help you make real and lasting changes in your life. You will understand yourself and others and feel energised, relaxed and positive within your self

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