Understanding & managing your emotions… the road towards positive emotional intelligence

Here’s what some previous clients say about their individual emotional issues and how their experience with Emotionalskills helped them…


My therapist is awesome. She knows her stuff and was very approachable.

I was deeply depressed and scared of how to sort out my problems. I was confused about how to address my concerns. I’m now a lot clearer on things due to the CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) element of the course.

The Emotionalskills programme has allowed me to discover ways to work through stressful moments in my life and help me understand what I am feeling.

I am a great deal closer to achieving what I want in life and this is down to things I have learnt, and self discoveries made in my sessions.

It was a very beneficial process for me. Thank you so much.


I struggled with psychological difficulties from childhood. They gradually worsened and by 2013, when I was in my early twenties they became unbearable.

My main issues were my extreme lack of confidence, my low self worth and my inability to recognise my true abilities. I spent six months being unable to function in any meaningful way and was homeless for a while.

My GP referred me to Emotionalskills and we went through the various parts of the therapeutic course. I found the self-discovery timeline and the self-awareness elements very helpful.

“I went from being depressed, anxious, internally angry and unable to function to being optimistic, stable and balanced.”

I was able to relate to others and understand my own feelings. I’m actually happy with myself. I have opened up to the acceptance of my own strengths and abilities. 


Shane was amazing and I felt comfortable that I could tell him anything; he didn’t judge and really listened to my problems. 

When I first came to Emotionalskills I was an anxious wreck who could barely go outside. I couldn’t think straight, I was unable to meet people and I didn't think I was any good at relationships. This all made me irritable with myself and I had several panic attacks.

During the process I had a huge sense of ease as I realised I was working out why I felt the way I did. 

I feel like a new person. I feel relaxed and proud of myself, generally happy and contented, and I just feel things will be OK. In fact, I’m looking forward to the future. 


When I first arrived at Emotionalskills I felt sad, emotional, like I was wasting my life and would be alone and unfulfilled forever…

Talking to my therapist helped enormously; she listened sympathetically and understood how I was feeling. The Timeline exercise in particular enabled me to come to terms with many aspects of my past that still caused me hurt and upset. 

By talking about my feelings and my reaction to events I have been able to understand myself better.

I feel happier and more centred. I feel I can take on life’s challenges and respond effectively to stressful or difficult situations. I have dealt with the past and can focus on the here and now.


My partner and I received relationship counselling. When we first came to Emotionalskills, I was very lost within myself and my marriage. I needed help to move on.

In the beginning, as a female, I felt a male therapist might not understand my feelings. I quickly realised that this was not the case. Often, our therapist was a go between. He was considerate of our feelings and used his own skills to achieve an outcome that met both of our needs.

I come away from our sessions feeling that life needs to be lived in the here and now. I don’t want to dwell on the past, I want to take small steps forward. I know I can’t change the past. I feel I can move on with my own independence. I feel stronger as a person and more confident in dealing with what life may throw at me in the future.

We couldn’t have got through our difficulties without our therapist's help, knowledge and understanding. I hope I can use the skills he has shared with me to enrich my life. 


My mother died soon after I was born and whilst my father did his best, he worked long hours and I became independent very young. I skipped school in favour of work and cash... ran with a bike gang for a few of years, had a few ‘run in’s’ with the law for drinking and fighting, etc. 

To avoid I prison I joined the Para’s; whilst serving with the armed forces I was injured quiet badly, so reluctantly I left the army. By 30 I was extremely confused and frustrated with civilian life. 

The problems associated with change started to pile up. I could not accept other people’s ways, or views, or logic. My way of life was rigid and disciplined… like the military.

I was always on the edge… It would just take someone to take a wrong look, an unrelated action, or a mere gesture of the hand for me to react angrily… verbally or physically. I would get really angry and upset co-workers, my family and even complete strangers.

I knew I needed help and eventually went to my GP. She gave me a leaflet and said, “Give this a try.” As there was no other help about, I did. 

Emotionalskills is not a quick fix, you have to work at changing the way you see and feel things and above all be honest with yourself... but it works. 

I have changed and I feel more relaxed and grounded. My family has really seen the change for the better and they no longer expect me to explode at every small thing.

My job is high pressure, but the people who I need to give tasks to now respond more cooperatively and constructively to me. Really importantly… I have got in touch with my feelings and now I am really close to my teenage son.

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